Project 1: Understanding Forces in Skeletal Structure
This project is a group project of six members. The tasks that we had to do for this project are to construct a model of a tower by using popsicle stick, toothpick, thread, pins and a base of A5 size. The requirement of this project are we are not allow to use glue and the height of the tower must not be higher than 30cm and must not exceed 100 pieces of popsicle stick. The purpose of doing this project is to show how loads are applied to a structure and also how the joints of the structure members are connected.

Firstly, we worked on the two methods which is by interlocking the popsicle stick and another is using toothpick as a joint to penetrate it through the popsicle stick and then reinforced it by tying with thread. After completed the model, we began to test it with some loads, in the end, it can only withstand 35kg. After some discussion with my beloved team, we found the problem which is connecting the upper component will cause the loads transfer to sideways. Since load is transferred vertically downward, so we decided to connect the vertical member end to end to each other and used toothpick and thread to strengthen it, as well as added the diagonal bracing to it which purpose was to overcome its shear force.
These are my teammates.
This is how our final model looks like.
Here is our model withstanding 137.5kg.
After finished testing the tower, we need to do a report regarding the progress. We went through some discussion with our tutor, she suggested that we can test our model again until it breaks, which is because the tower didn't actually broke at the previous test. So, we went though another test. At the end, we found that our model can actually withstand 176.5kg.
Here is one of our member applying loads onto our tower carefully.
Our model after it collapsed.
Here is the report. Enjoy.
Project 2: Understanding Forces in Solid Structure and Surface Structure
This project is also a group project of seven persons and also consists of an individual part. The tasks that we had to do for this project is to proposed a building either solid construction or surface construction and then to identify the different types of structural systems used during the construction of the building. In the final submission, we had to produce a model showing the different structural system used in the building with a suitable scale and materials. After a series of discussions with my teammates, we had chosen St. Paulo Church by Fuksas as our solid construction building.
Below are photos of our final solid construction model.
This is our booklet.
This is what I've produced for the individual part project. I've chosen the detail drawing of the external wall of this building.